Its almost a year now since I brought to the attention of Council and councillors the atrocious state of the Shire's Visitor Information Bays at each end of town.
Faded, dated and crumpled maps give visitors the first impression of a town which doesn't care and has very low standards. The other odd thing was that the Freemasons Hotel which I part-own and which has stood in its current location for 112 years was somehow missing from all the maps and lists.
I got a letter from the CEO at the time, saying it was another "oversight" and would be fixed pronto.
Nothing happened.
I recently raised the matter with the Visitor Centre boss Dariel Hodgins and she said she would get right onto it. Then she came back with an email saying she had contacted the CEO and the reason nothing had been done was there was no provision in the 2015/16 Shire budget for a new map/lists, but plans were now afoot for a digital map to be produced.
However, she added, it had been decided in order to ensure "equity" among businesses in the Shire, the new map would have not identify any commercial premises, only Shire and community services.
So my bid to have the Freemasons Hotel listed on the information for tourists seems to have resulted in complete removal of all references to accommodation, food and hospitality providers - all the things a visitor might want information about, especially when the Visitor Centre is closed.
I asked Ms Hodgins if this 'equity' policy would be extended to the Visitor's Centre and received no reply. But consistency would seem to demand that, henceforth, no information on any commercial premises be given out by Visitor Centre staff. Visitors to Bridgetown will be advised they are "on their own" when seeking out a place to stay or a place to eat and drink.
If they ask why, they could simply be told it was to prevent anyone or anything associated with the Shire from possibly assisting a business in which I have a stake.
Why would the Visitor Centre charged people/businesses hundreds of dollars a year to promote their businesses and do bookings, then they make money out of every booking they get through each tourist yet they won't list the businesses on a map coming into town? Plus they make businesses wait weeks before paying however etc. you get your money immediately. Considering the Visitor Centre is owned by the Shire don't you think they should actually be helping businesses in town not hurting them?