Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Truth slowly surfacing in pool saga

Each time the Shire Council makes a fresh announcement about the fabulous progress they are making on a new public swimming pool, more little gems emerge which help to reveal the true depth of the fiasco.

This week, they have been trumpeting completion of the plans for the project.

So we now have a plan, almost a year after the old pool was dug up.  The local paper says: "Safeway Building Renovations, the company building the pool, submitted the plans to the council on February 24..."  Hold on, didn't Council sign a deal with this company agreeing to pay it $4 million to build the pool a couple of months ago?  How did Council know what it would get for the $4 million if the plans were not finalised at that time?  Nice work if you can get it!

The picture becomes clearer later in the article when President Pratico says a community fundraising committee has been set up "to help cover costs".   What costs??   "...some fitouts for the pool," Pratico states.

So for $4 million of ratepayer and taxpayer funds we get a partially completed pool facility, and  ratepayers and residents will have to cough up the money to finish the job.

 What a joke!

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