Sunday, 8 February 2015

Bridgetown families just want a place to swim on a hot day

This hole in the ground is what remains of the much-loved 50m pool which served us very well up to last summer.  It was demolished last year because, they said, work had to begin on the new 25m pool to replace it.

Well, here we are sweltering through the final month of a very hot, dry summer and there doesn't seem to be much work done on this new pool.

If, as the Council assures us, the new pool can still be built in time for next summer, why the hell didn't they leave the old one in place (at least for the school holidays) until someone was ready to start work on the new one??

This vacant site is an affront to families who are crying out for somewhere to cool off on a hot day. Its a slap in the face for those who must drive two or three times a week to Manjimup to take their kids to swimming training.

It is also a monument to the mismanagement which has become the hallmark of our Shire Council.

For some inexplicable reason, those in control seem to hate old Bridgetown and can't wait to renovate or replace every aspect of the town until it looks like a suburb of Perth.

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