Council President Tony Pratico has been found to have twice breached WA's Local Government Rules of Conduct Regulations.The breaches relate to failing to declare an impartiality interest in an item before taking part in debate and voting on the issue.
(It comes as no surprise that Mr Pratico is a bit vague on the issue of conflicts, since he seems to see no problem with owning a coffee vending machine which sits inside the Council's recreation centre!)
In a finding handed down in June -- but only recently released to me, the complainant -- the State Government's Local Government Standards Panel found Mr Pratico failed to declare his impartiality interest twice before voting on issues related to the management of Yornup Hall, while he was a member of the Yornup Hall Committee and the Yornup Hall Management Committee.
Curiously, the Standards Panel decided to issue no sanction, despite Mr Pratico's admission to the Committee that if ordered to attend a training session it would "improve his ability to perform the duites of a local councillor." This from a man who has been in the role for about a decade and is supposed to lead the others.
Mr Pratico had been voting on matters concerning the Yornup Hall for years without declaring his obvious conflict of interest, but I was only allowed to submit the two most recent cases to the Standards Panel because it will only examine matters going back less than two years.
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