Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Anyone like free lease of a public hall?

Learning recently the Shire's swimming pool kiosk had been handed over for free to a private individual for use as a business and that this breaches the Local Government Act (see post below) reminded me of the strange situation regarding use of the Yornup Hall.

Those who have followed Council over the past few years would know that I fought long and hard, but in vain, to have the Yornup Hall managed by the Council like every other publicly-owned hall and Shire asset.

For many years, the CEO has advised Council that management of and funds raised from the use of Yornup Hall should be allowed to remain in the hands of a private group of locals known as the Yornup Hall Committee.  Compliant councillors have allowed this appalling situation to continue, despite me pointing out repeatedly that it was against the principles of  proper governance and accountability.

Councillors who may have been quite comfortable supporting something improper may not be willing to remain supportive if it turns out the arrangement is also illegal.

Just like the swimming pool kiosk, the hall seems to have been handed over on a free lease basis and on my reading of Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act this would also appear to be a breach because no-one else has ever been given the opportunity to bid for the right to manage and operate the hall.

If any councillor feels uncomfortable about the possibility they may have unwittingly sanctioned an illegal use of a public asset, they should contact me to discuss how the situation could be resolved.

Simply following and hiding behind the advice of the CEO might not provide enough protection if I am right about this issue.

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