Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Pool funding problem was simply a budgeting failure and fundraising drive is a sham

This little gem surfaced in the latest Council minutes...

''In December 2014 when Council awarded the swimming pool design and construct
tender to Safeway Building and Renovations it was recognised that the total contract
cost was some $161,823 more than the amount available in the 2014/15 budget..."

Ahhh, so that's why we had to have a community fundraising drive to 'fit out' the pool

"At the 1st budget workshop held on 20 April 2015 Councillors agreed that the funding
shortfall of $161,823 should be funded in the 2015/16 budget via an increased
project transfer from the Land and Buildings Reserve and any other funding received
in the interim (either before the adoption of the budget or after adoption) could be
used to lessen the eventual transfer from that Reserve."

Because building the pool has taken so long, the Council can now use its own reserve funds to make up the shortfall, so if you donate to help "fit out" the pool, your money will just go into a Shire bank account to help pay for the next bungled project.

Council likes some businesses, not others

I was browsing the latest minutes of Council and I saw they were discussing an application by someone to set up a new takeaway food outlet offering Indian cuisine.  I thought, "That would be good. Great addition to the town."

Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather when I saw the decision:

Council Decision Moved Cr Scallan, Seconded Cr Hodson
C.08/0715 That Council not approve (refuse) the application for a trading
permit for Spicy Grill Indian, to trade from 74 Hampton Street, Bridgetown.
Carried 7/1

Whaat!!  Why???

What is this mob trying to do?

It was at the same meeting that the same group voted unanimously to over-ride their own planning scheme and the objections of locals to allow a supermarket to be built in the old packing sheds.

Then it hit me...  the Council President, Tony Pratico makes most of his cash selling greasy fried chicken and chips out of an old house called Chooks.

Pratico did declare a conflict of interest, but his friend the CEO helped him out by providing councillors with a reason to knock this potential competitor back....  it might cause parking problems. 

Please!  What a joke.