If the Bridgetown-Greenbushes Shire Council was a business, it would be wound up. The October Council meeting was indicative of an organisation which has virtually ground to a halt. The 90-minute meeting would have cost us ratepayers in excess of $6000 in councillor fees and staff wages but precious little was achieved. Some people were appointed to a committee, funding was set aside for a "landcare officer", a couple of streets were re-named. Only one member of the public turned up and no questions were asked.
This sorry group has shown no interest and no capacity to set an agenda or produce any ideas which might take our community forward. They simply wait for the staff to produce items for discussion and even these are now low-level administrative items.
It is no co-incidence that Bridgetown's economic growth is flat-lining, along with property values. We are going nowhere because the people who have put their hands up to be community leaders give us no vision, no drive and no enthusiasm. They mope around whinging about me!
I beggars belief that people would vote to elect and re-elect people who simply wish to warm a seat at Council meetings and pocket the fees.